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Complaint Letter (Goods)

Our "Complaint Letter (Goods)" template has been designed to cover the usual legal bases for such a document. Creating one is easy, just select the "Create" button below.
Remember, if there is a charge, you only pay for the document when you are ready - No obligation and no fuss!

What is a 'Complaint Letter (Goods)'?

Use this letter if you're unhappy with any goods you have purchased and wish to complain or draw the matter to the seller's attention. Please feel free to download in an editable format if you wish to amend.

How do I create a 'Complaint Letter (Goods)'?

Using our state of the art online document editor you will quickly and easily capture all the information you need to make your own 'Complaint Letter (Goods)'. You'll see the document change as you enter more information and change various options.

There are three steps involved in creating a document from any of our online templates.

  1. Create an empty 'Complaint Letter (Goods)' ready for information capture.
  2. Fill in the highlighted blanks (capturing your information). Our state of the art online editor will guide you through completion of your document. Take as long as you need, there are no charges while you are getting your document ready. If you want to continue editing your document beyond this session you will need to register and log-in. Your 'Complaint Letter (Goods)' will be held securely in "digital vault" ready for your return at a later time.
  3. Lastly, when you're happy with your document, you can purchase and download the final version. Don't forget to check-out our money saving subscriptions!

What formats can I create a 'Complaint Letter (Goods)' in?

You can get your 'Complaint Letter (Goods)' in a variety of file formats along with some other additional value added services. These include:

  • PDF Download (Included)
  • Google Docs Upload (RECOMMENDED)
  • Blank Template (Microsoft Word Format) - e-Mailed to you

Making your own legal documents has never been easier

1. Create Document…

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It costs you nothing to create your "Complaint Letter (Goods)" document.

2. Fill in the blanks…

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Our state of the art online editor will guide you through completion of your document. Take as long as you need, there are no charges while you are getting your document ready.

3. Purchase & Download

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When you're happy with your document, purchase and download. Don't forget to check-out our money saving subscriptions!

How much does a 'Complaint Letter (Goods)' Cost?

The basic price is £18.00 (excl.VAT).

This price includes:

  • PDF Download (Included)

Other 'Complaint Letter (Goods)' Related Template Categories

If this template isn't quite right for what you need, check out these other related categories template categories. You may find exactly what you are after.

Personal and Domestic  Everyday Legal website action icon

Business as Usual  Everyday Legal website action icon